
This article had a lot of good points however, it was very one sided. You only read the perspective of one teacher and on top of that it was kind of confusing at first. It might have just been me but what I grasped from the article is that in order for social change to be successful a university must bridge the gap between the community they are trying to help. However, Cushman mentioned that sometimes the universities step on the communities toes and offer help in an area that the community doesn’t want it.

This immediately made me think of Bithlo and the project UCF students are doing in Bithlo to help get the residents and the community back on their feet. The reason why this made me think of Bithlo is because UCF has done a great job of bridging the gap between university and community and do not seem to be stepping on anybody’s toes. Bithlo residents seem to want the help and are welcoming the help with open arms. This is a story of successful social change and in my view, what Cushman is talking about throughout the article.

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