Rhetorician as an Agent of Change and its ties to Service Learning

“But I believe that in doing our scholarly work, we should take social responsibility for the people from and with whom we come to understand a topic. I’m echoing Freire who shows that when we theorize about the oppressed, we must do ‘authentic thinking, thinking that is concerned about the reality, does not take place in ivory tower isolation, but only in communication’ (64).”

I really liked how Cushman’s article tied right in to vice learning. In her article, she writes about the importance of getting out of the classroom, and breaking out into the community. Getting to know a small part of the community is really one of my favorite things about service-learning work. It’s a great feeling to get out of the classroom, travel somewhere new, and discover the work of people trying to change our local community for the better. Through my own personal experiences with service learning, I have gotten to meet many new and interesting people who are so passionate their cause. It’s always exciting to meet these types of people, because in turn, I get inspired by their passion and motivation, and it helps to give myself the push I need in order to get through my own trials and tribulations in life.