Chapter 8


There are always two sides to every story. In chapter 8 we are given a glimpse from two perspectives; Christians and Liberals on the subject of effective family planning. It is obvious that both Christians and Liberals intentions are common and that is to preserve a life in the best way possible. The confliction comes with the way it should be done. It is because of their differences that it is hard to find a common solution in order to reduce the number of abortions or people contracted with aids. Although, abstinent programs were taught in Africa during the presidency of George W. Busch those were not effective because women were still open to being infected with AIDS from their husbands (wow). I believe that the goal should be, to be realistic. Think about a solution that not only works but is also good for the people.

“God Gulf”

The idea of the “God gulf” was something that I had not originally thought would translate into the international arena. But after reading chapter eight I see not only that is has but the impact that certain hot button issues in our country have on the day to day life of people a world away. Continue reading

Half the Sky, Chapter 8

“Pro-choice and pro-life camps, despite their differences, should be able to find common ground and work together on many points, in particular on an agenda to reduce the number of abortions…So liberals and conservatives should be able to agree on steps that prevent unwanted pregnancies and thus reduce the frequency of abortion.” This idea of pro-choice and pro-life groups joining together in a united effort to prevent abortion is one not talked about and, most likely, hardly considered by most. Continue reading